Parish Ministries
“As a community of faith, we strive to build Christian unity through worship and commitment to ministries.” With this mission in mind, St. Jerome Parish invites you to join in this “mission” by sharing your time and many God-given talents through volunteering for one or more of the following committees...
PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE provides fellowship and interaction for parish families. The committee also plans social activities for the parish, including a monthly coffee hour. We welcome and encourage new members. Contact Jackie Allen at 381-9614
SOCIAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE provides opportunities for parishioners to participate in acts of charity and justice. We also educate other parishioners about social justice issues. Contact Margy Richards at 381-7978
LADIES’ AUXILIARY - KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN was formed in 1933. We are a benevolent group whose purpose is to unite Catholic women socially and to offer charity to those in need. New members are always welcome. We have discussions of business, occasional guest speakers, and a social hour at the conclusion of the program. Contact JoAnne Kuhn, 586-4806.
LITURGY MINISTRY - A Committee that works with the pastoral staff to plan, Liturgical celebrations throughout the year. This includes organizing, training and scheduling: Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Ushers, Cross Bearers, Lectors and Servers. We invite you to be a part of our community worship. Contact Pat Pullano at 586-8905
ADULT CHOIR enhances the liturgy through the gift of music. We perform classical and contemporary sacred music as well as antiphonal music at the 10:00am Sunday Mass in addition to feast days from September to June. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome! Contact Alessio Giacobone at [email protected].
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL, St. John Fisher #3676 at St. Jerome. The Knights are a fraternal men’s organization that is focused on doing good deeds and raising money for charitable needs throughout our community. Contact Martin D'Ambrose, 585-754-4413.
LEGION OF MARY at St. Jerome. Do you say your rosary every day? If so, you can become an auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary. No meetings are required. Your prayers will support our members in their apostolic work. If you are interested, contact Bea Crysel: (585) 385-2136
STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY was formed in 2008 to help support the financial needs of St. Jerome Church while bringing the parishioners together for fellowship. We have organized an annual pancake breakfast that has raised money for the parish. Contact Mary Therese Biltucci at 690-2494.
FINANCE COMMITTEE is mandated by the Diocese of Rochester to make sure all requirements having to do with the people’s offerings are followed. Its main objective is to assist the parish staff with the intricate and delicate details of the finances/budget of the church/facilities management. Contact Mark Joseph at: 370-9860
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY the children of our parish are the future of St. Jerome Church. Teaching them the foundations of our faith according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the main purpose of this work. The program includes catechists, catechist assistants, volunteer parents, guardians and the youth of the Parish. Contact Judy Joslin at: 586-3231. Print registration forms here.
CYO ATHLETICS MINISTRY promotes the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of the individual player. We understand that we represent the Catholic community through playing CYO Athletics. Contact Nicole in the Rectory Office at: 586-3231
WELCOMING MINISTRY is in its infancy but is a very necessary ministry. As a “new-comer” to St. Jerome, it is comforting to have someone to personally meet with you and give you a warm welcome along with helping you feel part of our faith community. Contact John Schroth at: 202-1673.
TALENT-SHARING MINISTRY St. Jerome, like any other church, always has needs for repairs, upkeep, and other “odd” jobs that are not truly visible but still need attention. God-given talents such as plumbing, electrical, gardening, painting and cleaning are talents/gifts that would be greatly appreciated. Contact Nicole at the Parish Office: 586-3231