1. We are so blessed that you entrust your children’s Faith Formation to us! We offer Faith Formation for grades K-9 including the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
2. There are three required forms: Registration, Health, and Photo Release.
3. Please PRINT as legibly as possible, especially names and e-mail addresses. Your children's Grade level refers to the anticipated grade they will be in, in the fall of 2024.
4. Sacraments of First Reconciliation/Penance and First Holy Communion are usually celebrated in Second Grade. It is required by the Diocese that children participate in Faith Formation in First Grade to ensure they have the faith formation building blocks to truly understand the sacraments in Second Grade.
5. Participation in Seventh Grade Faith Formation is also recommended to prepare for the TWO year preparation (8th & 9th grade) for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation takes place at the end of the two-year program – usually in ninth grade.
6. If your child will be receiving a sacrament this year, you must list their date and location of Baptism on the registration form. We keep records of First Communion and Confirmation with the original Baptism record, so we have to know which parish to communicate with.
7. The “Faith Formation Parent Handbook” is available in the rectory, if you would like a copy.
8. Please print and complete ALL of the below forms (Required by the Diocese), and return them to the office accompanied by your $25.00 registration fee. This fee is for your entire family, not per child. An additional form will be needed for students entering the 9th grade Confirmation program. Once your forms are received, your children will be added to their appropriate class list.
Thank you and God Bless! Judy Joslin, FFC